Wow, this is quite a lengthy house track you laid out here, so I hope you don't mind if I structure my review so that I'm writing it while it's playing.
So the drums are pretty solid from what I'm hearing right now. A little strange though that they sound so dry compared to the panning synth you have playing over it. It kinda makes it sound like you're listening to two recordings that clearly weren't recorded in the same room. Maybe some reverb similar to the synth would have helped. I do appreciate that one chromatic percussion playing in the rhythm (forgive me, but isn't it called a clav or something?)
That was really a neat way bringing in the sub like that. Super smooth, in my opinion. If it were me, though, I would have added a little attack on the first note to make the transition even smoother. Filtering in that main synth really helped, too. The hat you brought in wasn't that bad, but I'm referring back to the reverb thing when I say it could have been loads better.
The lack of kick in this part is interesting, because I'm not really sure where the track is going at this point. I'm noticing a slight lack in direction, especially since that synth has pretty much been carrying the track for almost two minutes now. The buildups seems pretty standard. Nothing much to say about that. Good use of rising pitch and all that.
Okay, drop time. I really like it! Feeling a different mood from it since it sounds like it's taking on a more industrial approach. Nice job on the bass. I know it's really easy to go overboard with the distortion. That gliding synth is really what's killin it, though. Sounds like that are what cause people to go crazy and break shit. Out of happiness, of course. The horn coming in was a great addition. A little cheesy, but at this point I'm starting to relate this to a lot of late 90s artists like VNV Nation and the like. Not saying that's a bad thing or anything.
Anyways, good on you for coming back to that melody at 4:40 to seal the deal. Felt like a great time to bring everything at full circle. The second buildup was kind of weird with that snare and all. I know how you kind of just lowered the pitch on it, but the timestretch effect that it gave off made it sound a little cheap.
Second drop wasn't my cup of tea, but I can't knock it because it does kind of work with the track. That square synth I hear it pretty cool. At around the 7 minute mark, I'm really starting to hear a lot of instruments conflicting with one another. It's not as bad as some of the stuff I hear, but some stricter EQing would have made it sound a lot better. 8 minute mark gave the track some room to breathe, and I'm liking the more minimal sound I'm hearing compared to before.
The piano was alright enough, but the word that came to mind when I heard it was "dusty" lol. Might be the EQ again or something, but the little melody was nice. I'm actually guilty of using variations of that melody too many times because it's such a good melody.
So this was a bit of a ride, but I really enjoyed it for the most part. Just felt like highlighting some critical points and offering my measly two cents. Take with it what you will. If this was playing at a club, I could totally get down to it. So keep it up, man!